I. Intermediate

Week 1
- Core values and life success 
- Specific SWOT analysis 
- Importance of physical and mental exercises and practicing meditation

II. Advanced

Week 2 
- Mind power based scientific GOAL setting
- NLP based study tips and blocks removal

Week 3
- Psychometric analysis and career guidance 
- Interview techniques in brief 
- Creativity 

III. Mastery

Week 4 
- Team management
- Leadership in action 
- Advanced time management skills 
- Wheel of life

Week 5 
- Advanced problem solving and decision making 
- Relationship management 
- EQ, SQ, DQ for better life
- Mind control exercises for negative emotional expression 

- Assignments (6hrs)


Success Summit

Our personalized development programs cater to students and young adults, offering vital skills such as effective study habits, memory techniques, time management, stress management, and interpersonal communication. Our curriculum is meticulously designed to cultivate self-esteem, positive self-image, and proficiency in friendship management, fostering holistic growth for success in academics and personal endeavours

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Success Summit workshop series

From mastering core values and life success principles to delving into advanced leadership techniques and emotional intelligence strategies, our workshop series covers a wide range of topics essential for personal growth and development. Led by Dr. Justin Thomas, each session provides practical insights, actionable strategies, and hands-on exercises to empower you on your journey towards success.



Meet Dr. Justin Thomas and take the first step towards realizing your   dreams your   dreams